It's getting quite severe out there, far worse than imagined. At the same time, here's an admission of being wrong. Take a plant and culture protected by the elevation of consciousness, and plunge that into a Nation with the widest income gap and vast inequality, add in felony records, limited opportunities, a cut-throat corporate-class, and a culture that honors shameless greed, and you get big bags of plant material sprayed with who knows what (distillates if you're lucky).

This article is two pronged: I was wrong about hemp edibles. They're far stronger and more affordable than the edibles at any dispensary, speaking for California. They actually blow most of everything I've tried away. Now I'm not usually an edible guy, but I crushed through this bottle in two days and really couldn't decipher a difference. Two of these gummies at 100 mg THC total, hit me hard and kicked in lightning fast. Super fast. I was elated to awake the next day feeling refreshed and without the grogginess often associated with high THC edibles. Get some here.
I was so blown away that I couldn't help but to put my hand in the hemp pot. I received numerous samples, loved everyone more than the last, and set up a new business and website to drop-ship these and other products that were given my absolute approval. Unfortunately, my supplier was eliminated just as things were about to kick-off. Thankfully, we're back with a few hemp edible options (at least for now) along with a list of live rosin flavors (Members Portal Page).
All 100% legal.
Let me explain:
While hemp flower can only be 0.3% THC, extracts, edibles, oils, tinctures, and vape carts can contain as much hemp-derived THC as they want, apparently. I present to you item #1 from my original menu:
A 3,000mg THC Hemp derived gummy, with FDA labeling:
Or, item number two:

Hemp Distillate
While hemp flower can only have a legal limit of 0.3% THC by dry weight, that's a percentage of THC compared to the total weight of the plant material. But without the plant material, all that is left is THC. The percentage no longer matters. A net weight or total in milligrams is all that applies. It might take 99 times the initial plant material, but thanks to chemical solvents and further distillation, THC is indeed THC.
If a flower is 20 percent THC, 50 percent THC, or 0.3% THC, one fact remains consistent: Extracted and separated from the plant, it's all the same. It would simply take a lot more hemp material than traditional material to arrive at the same final product. Now if you're already putting two and two together, bravo. It took me a minute.
Determining source
This means that once the THC is extracted and distilled, it's impossible to determine or distinguish if the original source was hemp, cannabis, marijuana, ganja, reefer, chronic, or any other name you want to give to this one single plant. Oh yeah, while we’re at it, sativa/indica/hemp/cannabis/marijuana are all one and the same plant. Man-made designations only, many of which have already been cast aside. Its easy to see the problems and logistics of a hurried industry, without adequate research to implement useful regulations.
Hemp THC vs. cannabis THC: TOAD VENOM
An isolate of THC, aka distillate, is identical regardless of the source. This is a lesson taught to us by common sense or research chemicals, or more accurately, by synthetic drugs created in a lab. I'd written about this once before, citing Hamilton Morris and the psychedelic toad venom. In an effort to save the toads, a completely synthetic recipe was devised to produce the identical molecule safely without harming the toads. While hemp THC isn’t synthetic, the example just shows how a molecule produces consistent effects, regardless of the source.
PART 2: Where's Your Cannabis Coming From?
If hemp flower must be under 3% THC, how is it possible that companies are selling hemp flower with upwards of 20% THC? Wouldn't that be an utter contradiction? Brands like Mood Cannabis, looked to be selling cannabis as hemp flower, but a closer look reveals some of the lowest practices potentially in place today.
Spray the hemp flower with hemp distillate and you have yourself high THC hemp flower. Bravo.
Its been disturbing to see cannabis flower sprayed with distillate, a practice in place, since at least 2018. Taking things a step further, now we have cannabis sprayed with hemp distillate just to make a few extra pennies. The industrial scale hemp farms can produce an ungodly amount of distillate with ease. Just the latest list of reasons for consistent and national regulation, but far more testing and research is still needed. This partial legalization and separation of federal and state law, has led to an increase in unsafe and disgusting products. Funny how that works.
You can smoke, eat, vape THC distillate, but the same cannot be said for THC-A, which needs heat to activate. THC-A was specifically legalized thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill. Only once that THC-A is lit (or heated) does it convert into THC. Therefore, THC-A is legal, making cannabis flower and extracts of THC-A Federally legal. Big brands like Mood are either selling THC-A rich cannabis they call hemp, or a worse-case scenario is the truth, selling hemp flower sprayed and coated in hemp distillate.
Here’s to hoping the first option is the truth…
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